Monday, August 30, 2010

quote quote from diana again!
Before she knew you, she was a completely different person. She was so scared and so worried. She has seen the effects of love and what it could do to people. All she’s seen is heartbreak and sadness. For her alone has always been better. And then suddenly, there you came walking in. She saw you, and there was this thing. I don’t know what it is but you got it, so please don’t hurt her. She’s never been happier, she doesn’t stop talking about you, please don’t do her wrong. Things don’t have to be perfect but if you know before hand that your intentions are nothing but bad then leave, leave before she gets hurts. You make her feel safe and warm. You give her that sense of security she’s been longing for. I’m not saying to be mister prince charming, what I’m saying is just to treat her right. She’s been through a lot and she deserves nothing but the best. Her heart is so big and her kindness is so warm. Be that guy who makes her fall in love. Be that guy who lets her know that all guys aren’t the same. Make her smile, do things with her, tell her you love her. Play with her, massage her, let her know she’s special. Let her get it, let her finally put the pieces to the puzzle together. Make her finally get love. Show her, tell her that when you look into her eyes she’s the greatest girl you’ve ever seen. Cherish her and she shall do the same. Love her and she’ll love you more. Treat her right and she’ll treat you better. It’s a girls nature to often care more and love, make it the opposite. You should care more and love more, so she can do nothing but smile, so she can love you even more. Seriously, take good care of her - She’s a lovely girl. (stevenrosas:)

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