I am Sean Lee, For those who don't know me. Well Lets get a introduction of me again. I am 17 years old, going on 18 about 1 month more. Something about me, I am not a good guy yet a bad guy, But i am turning a new leaf. I want to be a new and better person this year.
I am currently studying at Fajar Secondary School now, Yup, having Sec 5 now. Retain 1 year at sec 4 which i think is a waste of one year. But it is never too late to start now. Most people say that, " Don't Try, you will regret, If you did try, at least you did. Yup, Didn't thought i would be passing my N-level last year, But here i am in Sec 5.
Most people says i could not make it, but I did it. Yup, Even my family was surprised i did pass. Yup, Now in Sec 5 , things changes. I am not a kid anymore, i can't depend on anyone anymore. It's time of me to be step up and take charge of my life. It's never easy for me and i'm sure no-one would think that it is easy. Yup, Currently, Hobby is still hanging out with my friends and going out. Sometimes, i just have to have time for just myself.
I feel great whenever i am posting on my blog, I would say how i feel and it feels great to being able to read my Rants and Etc, Life is a struggle, yet if you work hard, soon you could even conquer the world. Without ambition , We would be falling down without anything. Constantly improving yourself to keep up the technology.
Just to recap, i really love this one girl. She is splendid, smart, cheerful, kind, cute, and was there for me when i am down. Didn't treat her well, end up, we are not together anymore. Even though, if we never are together, i want her and i to be happy. Still I love her.
okay, this is what happen today
Had a Math class test today.
Duration of 12 min and a 16 mark paper on Algebra. I didn't finish, and i was damn stress because there is so much people finishing up the paper. Mr Lim said " Make your mistake now rather than you made your mistake at O-level. End of math period, i went up to talk to Mr Lim and told him i was not able to finish the paper, He told me not to worry.
Actually i want to laugh at myself, It was only the first week of school and i am like panicking like a dumb ass. Good or bad, This week has just ended, gonna rest up tomorrow.
I ask Syafiq " Am i boring? " He replied " Ya! " I don't want to be Boring! He sang 1 korea song and translate 1 verse for me
: Again and Again
Even if i am heartbroken
I keep coming back to her
(Again and Again by 2pm)
Ended school , Eat Garlic bread and Black pepper chicken curry puff with Shawn at my house, And played Ps2 with him, Velle and Amelea spam called my phone but because it was on Silent so i did not notice at all. I found out when they call to my house. So me and Shawn went to meet them, So Me, Shawn, Amelea, Velle, Yi xuan went to Ngee Ann Poly.
Firstly, i want to say, not to be such a country Bumpkin, But i was overwhelmed, with how huge Poly really is. So we went walking around the campus and Went to eventually take the Ngee Ann Poly shirt, So we need to Shout somethings special to a Video Cam to get the shirt so We shouted : I-LOVE-NGEE-ANN-POLY and we got the shirt.
Walk around the Campus to gather more information about what courses i would like to take. Now Bio- medical and Logistic management was on my top-lists but too early to say now, i had to work hard to get the Required cut off point.
After that, Went back fajar to play basketball, Yup, i say hi and a bye to her (:
OH-So tire now yup. My english is still like a mess, Cannot make it i know. Constantly trying to improve :D
Yup tire and done for blogging tonight
Pray that you are happy. That what i wanted